Christmas Dinner Greater Montreal

On December 1, 2024, the "Club des retraités du Grand Montréal" held its annual dinner at the Hotel Universel on Sherbrooke Street. 133 members and guests attended. Danielle Prévost, president of the Club, opened the event by welcoming everyone and the new retirees who had joined the Club.

We had the pleasure of a visit from Mrs. Marjolaine Hudon, President of Quebec. She spoke to everyone and expressed her enthusiasm for the new challenges ahead. Before leaving, she took the time to visit all the tables and talk to everyone. Her presence was greatly appreciated by all. 

The meal followed. We received many positive comments from members who appreciated the quality of the food and service.

The event concluded with a drawing for a Montreal Canadiens jersey with the RBC logo and ten door prizes of $50 each. Two $50.00 Hotel Universel gift certificates were also drawn from the attendees.

All in all, it was a great Sunday with delicious food and good company.

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